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Kayak Cockpit Floor Tiedowns

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Product Description

Cockpit floor tie downs. For use on Composite kayaks (glue will not stick to PE surfaces sufficiently)

This is a great place to keep your water bottle, water bladder, sponge, or any item that requires to be held down while paddling.  

Don't lose that expensive gear from under the deck bungees - secure it inside your cockpit instead! 

These little super-light Cockpit Floor Tiedowns (CFTs) will do just that for you! They are a strong vinyl ester resin / fibre construction, and being non-metallic they’ll never rust and leave stains on your cockpit floor! 

They are drilled with a countersunk hole (will fit 4 & 5mm  Shock cord  - hole can be drilled out to fit wider cords) – no sharp edges. The shockcord can be fitted with an olive clip for easy length adjustment - see our Cockpit Floor Tiedown Kits. Team it with a piece of Deck Net for an under deck netting.

They are low profile – you’ll never snag a foot on these - and they can be glued to the floor, roof and sides of the cockpit, not to mention bulkheads and inside hatches.

Fitting is easy – just clean the surfaces with fine sandpaper where they are to be fitted, and glue in place with Araldite (use only the 24 hr Superstrength variety) or Selleys Plastibond for a 30 min. fit. How easy is that!

Fitting tips:

  • Use pencil lines on pieces of masking tape to align the CFTs accurately for fitting
  • Apply glue liberally to BOTH surfaces
  • Ensure that any gear secured to the cockpit floor in front of your seat does not impede entry / exit

Colour: Pale Grey

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Product Reviews

  1. Cockpit Floor Tiedowns 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 2nd Feb 2018

    Perfect - exactly what I needed to outfit the cockpit & secure my gear

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