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Kayalu Clear Lens for Kayalite®, R25®

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Product Description

Clear Lens for Kayalite®, R25®, NavBeam™ and Tektite Mark III

This clear lens is compatible with the Kayalite® kayak light, R25® Electric Torch, NavBeam™ headlights (all models) and Tektite Mark III marker lights.

The lens is constructed of thick-walled Lexan with a white reflector insert (removable).

Manufactured in USA for Kayalu by Tektite Industries Inc. Patents pending.
Model: KLA-5065







Product Videos

Kayalite™ Kayak Light / Roll and Impact (00:55)
The Kayalite™ kayak light by Kayalu Gear at http://www.kayalu.com is attached securely to a kayak or canoe in seconds. The Kayalite is built tough and can take a direct impact, an accidental whack of a paddle, boat hook or tree branches, and can recover after being pounded into the sand, salt, rocks and mud during a roll in shallow surf. U.S. Patents #8,651,440, #8,814,111. Made in the USA.
  • Kayalite™ Kaya...
    The Kayalite™ kayak light by Kayalu Gear at http://www.kayalu....
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