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Electric Water Neoprene Cockpit Cover (Custom) - sea kayak cockpit under 1m

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Product Description

Standard sea kayak cockpit cover 3mm neoprene

This is for a sea kayak cockpit which is usually under 1.0m long. If you have a recreational / estuary etc kayak with a long cockpit please contact us for a quote.
Is the cover for storage only or will it be for transport? If Transport, it would be made with a strap that goes around the kayak to prevent it being imploded by the  air pressure & lost.

For a well-fitted neoprene cockpit cover it is best to get one made specifically for your cockpit - this means tracing out a template, measuring yourself and locating where your seat back sits so the waist tube goes in the right place. Electric Water already have templates for some of the most popular makes.

Each "Custom" cover is lovingly made in Australia, using secret EW techniques developed over the years that have provided real paddlers with the deck which will see them through the challenge of the water they dare to do. When you see someone with an EW deck, you know they are very serious about their paddling.

What makes EW decks so different?

  • EW decks are made with specially ordered custom fabrics to meet our standards for comfort and abrasion resistance with various neoprene grades to meet the performance requirements. EW decks will stand up to the task season after season (they do not use sub-standard materials and do not take short cuts when making of the EW deck) We are paddlers ourselves and know what is needed to make good gear.
  • EW gear is manufactured with materials to provide stability, strength, durability and protection from wear and tear.  The seams are not stitched - so no holes for water to seep through, in fact, they are sealed in more ways than one and that is one of the ways we ensure the decks will not come apart.
  • If you find that you are in that situation when you need to "bail" the release strap is big and easy to find and very securely joined. You can trust it to not fail when your life depends on it! The EW team use them themselves.
  • They are not a mass produced effort with a "one size fits all" mentality, if your seat position is forward or back in the boat don't spend your energy fighting the deck ! tell us where you sit and we will get the tube in the right place for you.
  • Electric Water custom make decks to fit your boat.  We want you safe and secure so we make the deck to suit your boat.  They may take a little longer to get but they are definitely worth the wait. 

For a Custom-Fitted Deck or cockpit cover:

  1. Trace a template on a piece of not-too-thick plastic (orange garbage bags are good). See Youtube video below. Make sure you trace around the outside of the cockpit combing.
  2. Mark the position of the backrest on the template
  3. Label the template with your name, kayak make & model, and whether it is fibreglass or plastic
  4. Spraydecks only - Measure your **Waist** - position the tape at the height level to where you sit in your kayak level with the top of the combing - this will possibly be a different point than your actual waist - write the waist measurement on the template
  5. Post your template to us at East Coast Kayaking, PO Box 7522, Beaumaris VIC 3193

On average it will take around approx. 3-4 weeks to create your spraydeck or cockpit cover after receipt of template.
Orders will be shipped direct from the manufacturer.

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Product Reviews

  1. Spot On 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 23rd Jul 2022

    Fits exactly as it should, well made and looks smart. I can highly recommend.

  2. great service at a great price 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 22nd Feb 2018

    after hunting online for the correct fit cockpit cover for my kayak, it was a relief to get one custom made. Good quality, great price and hugely convenient.

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