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KeelEazy Tape 3" wide per metre

  • 4",  3" and 2" tape
  • Keeleazy 4" on a Hobie - you may need to cut and overlap a dart in the tape to get around sharp bends

Product Description

This product is sold by the metre (in one piece) - indicate number of metres required in the Quantity box.

KeelEazy Protective strip is a self-adhesive PVC strip that provides an extremely durable surface anywhere that abrasion is a concern.

Ideally suited for the keel of kayaks, it is also used on boats, canoes, jet skis, car doors etc.... This is the 3" tape - great for wider craft such as Hobies, fishing kayaks, canoes and any other boat with a broader or flatter keel line, if you don't want the extra width & weight of the 4" tape.
We also stock 2" Keeleazy for narrower keeled boats such as sea kayaks.

It is easily applied to fiberglass, Polyethylene, thermoformed ABS and metal surfaces - it is adhered and moulded over curves with the use of a heat gun. 

KeelEazy can be applied full length or on specific wear spots.

Colour: White in stock 

KeelEazy Application Instructions – Apply at Room Temperature – approximately 21 C 

  1. You will need:
    • Heat gun or hairdryer
    • Isopropyl alcohol (provided in the kits)
    • Leather glove
    • Scissors (to cut it shorter or round the edges)
    • Exacto knife or razor blade to cut around skeg (when necessary)
  2. Prepare the surface: Repair any cracks or holes prior to installing. If there are deep gauges, lightly sand the surface to smooth it out. Clean the area where the KeelEazy is to be adhered well with Isopropyl alcohol. This is extremely important!
  3. Round the corners: Use a scissors to round off the corners and the ends of the strip. If you purchased a kit, this has already been done for you.
  4. Separate the blue backing strip from the adhesive. This is probably the most difficult part of the installation. Be sure and leave the adhesive on the KeelEazy and remove the blue backing tape only. Use a razor blade if necessary.
  5. Apply the strip onto the hull: Once one end is firmly attached you can stretch the strip slightly, being sure to center over the keel. You can cut the KeelEazy with a scissors if the strip is too long for your boat. Then go over the strip with a hair dryer or hot air gun on a low setting to press out any wrinkles. Start in the middle and move out to each end. Also start at the apex of the keel and push outwards to avoid air bubbles or wrinkles. Using a squeegee or roller can help to smooth out any bubbles. Use a low setting. Do not overheat.
  6. To remove or reset: Simply heat the strip up using low heat and lift it off.
  7. Acute angles and corners: To go around a sharp corner, you may need to make a notch or scallop at the apex of the corner to go around the corner. If you make a flap, be sure the leading edge goes over the other so that it won’t catch when moving your boat.




Product Videos

KeelEazy sea kayak Protective strip installation - East Coast kayaking (02:18)
Purchase keelEasy online, kayakshopaustralia.com.au http://www.kayakshopaustralia.com.au/keelezy-keel-tape/ Sea Starter Courses http://www.eastcoastkayaking.com/seaStarterCourses.htm Our popular two day course is designed to give you the fundamental skills necessary to start sea kayaking safely on protected waters. Our Instructor/Student ratio is 1:6, so you are assured of first class tuition and service. http://www.eastcoastkayaking.com/seaStarterCourses.htm
  • KeelEazy sea k...
    Purchase keelEasy online, kayakshopaustralia.com.au http://www...
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Product Reviews

  1. 3inch keeleazy 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 1st Mar 2025

    Great product and easy to attach with the video instructions. Getting ready for August Murray River trip. With multiple sand landings this product was necessary. Thanks Kayak shop.

  2. Excellent product 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 16th Jun 2021

    Tough as a mother in law, adheres very well, and easy to use. I’ve put it on two kayaks now.

  3. This is a great product. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 28th May 2021

    It was easy to install with the instructions provided and it is a great product.

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